For Partners
Api & Integrations

Simple, fast, and affordable ways for partners to solve insurance for landlords & investors

We provide powerful low-code options designed to delight your customers.
Discover Steadily's frictionless insurance integrations.

Co-Branded widgets

For partners without developer capacity, we provide no-code, co-branded widgets to drop into a site in minutes.

Instant quote estimates
Automatically track referrals
Option to create custom domains
Curated client experience
Steadily insurance online quote screenshot

Embedded quote estimate

Easily integrate an instant quote to any page of your website.

Prefill option
Address only option
Instant estimates in seconds
Seamlessly embeds on any page
Steadily insurance online quote screenshot

API-Driven quoting

Our full-featured API allows licensed partners to display real-time quotes, bind policies, display status, and request changes.

Powerful REST API
For partners with developer capacity
Customer self-serve directly from your site
Direct product integration

Tracking and data feed

Policy and partner data provides you with insights into your customer insurance portfolio.

Transparent tracking
Insight into bound policies
Listing as mortgagee or additional Insured
Notification of policy cancellations

At Steadily, we empower our partners with timely access to data and reporting so you can focus on what matters most: serving your customers.

Steadily insurance online customer portal screenshot
Become a partner

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