April 16, 2024

Airbnb & Short Term Rental Laws and Regulations In West Virginia

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The scenic beauty and vibrant local cultures of West Virginia have turned it into a hotspot for vacationers seeking homely comforts through platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo. If you're contemplating sprucing up your spare room or second home into a cozy getaway for eager travelers, it's crucial to wrap your head around the intricate tapestry of West Virginia short term rental laws and regulations. Diving into the world of short-term rentals isn't just about fluffing pillows and providing local travel tips; it means dealing with West Virginia vacation rental regulations, securing short term rental permits in West Virginia, and ensuring that your hosting journey doesn't run afoul of the law.

As enticing as the additional income stream sounds, it should come with a caveat: be prepared to navigate the nitty-gritty aspects of tax implications that come with this new business venture. The laws are akin to those for hotels and B&Bs, where West Virginia Airbnb registration is just the tip of the iceberg. From Charleston's cobblestone streets to the tranquil retreats of Harpers Ferry, being a conscientious short-term rental host isn't just about providing unforgettable experiences—it's also about robust compliance and tax remittance to stay on the right side of West Virginia's laws. Prioritize peace of mind by exploring the benefits of securing landlord insurance in West Virginia before the rental agreement formally begins.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand your obligations under West Virginia short term rental laws to legally operate and avoid penalties.
  • Securing the necessary short term rental permits in West Virginia is essential before listing your property.
  • Hosts must comply with West Virginia vacation rental regulations, including tax collection and remittance.
  • Properly navigating the registration process is critical for a smooth hosting experience, so consider West Virginia Airbnb registration a top priority.
  • Tax laws can change, so staying in the loop and updating your knowledge about local and state tax requirements is paramount.
  • Turning your personal dwelling into a profitable Airbnb or Vrbo listing involves a blend of hospitality and legal precision.
  • Utilize available resources, such as Avalara MyLodgeTax, for guidance on tax laws specific to West Virginia short-term rentals.

The Evolution of Vacation Rentals: Airbnb and Vrbo's Impact in West Virginia

The rise of vacation rental giants like Airbnb and Vrbo has dramatically reshaped the tourism landscape in West Virginia. By delivering a plethora of unique accommodation choices, these platforms have not only transformed how travelers experience the Mountain State but have also ushered in an era of economic opportunity for countless homeowners. Alongside the surge of guests flocking to cities such as Charleston, Harpers Ferry, and the captivating surroundings of the New River Gorge, comes the imperative for hosts to grasp the Airbnb regulations in West Virginia.

For many property owners, tapping into the short-term rental market promises a lucrative revenue stream. Yet, it's paramount that these newfound landlords recognize the need to align with vacation rental zoning laws in West Virginia. At the very core of their venture must be an understanding that operating such rentals aligns closely with the prerequisites expected of standard lodging facilities like hotels and bed-and-breakfast establishments.

"As West Virginia's popularity as a travel destination continues its ascent, so does the importance for hosts to meticulously adhere to West Virginia rental property regulations, ensuring that they meet all state and local tax obligations and dodge any potential legal hurdles."

This burgeoning segment of the sharing economy stands at a juncture where robust compliance isn't just encouraged—it's required. Hosts must navigate the intricacies of policies that oversee short-term rentals, particularly those that revolve around tax collection and remittance. While these platforms offer a modern twist on finding a place to stay, the obligations that come with running them mirror those of more traditional accommodations, emphasizing the necessity for vigilance and responsibility.

  • An in-depth understanding of local and state regulations signifies a host's commitment to lawful and ethical operations.
  • Cognizance of taxation rules reflects not only on a host's reliability but also bears significant financial implications.
  • The necessity to comply with evolving Airbnb regulations in West Virginia requires an ongoing commitment to education and adaptation.

The dynamic world of short-term rentals is not just about delivering distinctive travel experiences or tapping into the economic potential of unused living spaces. It is just as much about meeting the legal benchmarks that govern this space. For hosts in West Virginia, being well-versed in rental property laws and tax regulations is as essential as the hospitality they offer.

A Comprehensive Overview of West Virginia Short Term Rental Laws

In the picturesque state of West Virginia, the short-term rental market has witnessed considerable growth, a trend accelerated by platforms such as Airbnb and Vrbo. However, turning one's property into a short-term haven for tourists entails a clear understanding and adherence to West Virginia vacation rental laws. Whether you own a cottage by the New River Gorge or an urban apartment in Charleston, knowing the specific legalities can steer you clear of unnecessary pitfalls and toward successful hosting.

What Qualifies as a Short-Term Rental in West Virginia?

According to the West Virginia short term rental laws, any rented residential space offered for less than 30 consecutive days is categorized as a short-term rental for tax purposes. This encompasses everything from single rooms to full houses. As these are considered transient accommodations, they carry distinct tax implications as opposed to traditional rental arrangements.

Registering Your Short-Term Rental and Understanding Tax Obligations

Before you welcome your first guest, securing a business registration certificate from the West Virginia State Tax Department is a must. This signifies your intent to operate within the boundaries of the law and opens the path for appropriate tax collection. Keep in mind that state tax is just the beginning—short term rental permits in West Virginia may also subject you to local tax obligations, depending on your property's location.

Indeed, while major rental platforms may relieve you of some of the burden by collecting taxes on your behalf, knowing when and what you need to remit independently is key to avoiding discrepancies. It's essential to be well-versed in the taxes associated with short-term rental operations, including their rates and the nuances of compliance.

Local Regulations and Compliance for Rental Properties

Delving into the short-term rental domain means you should also scrutinize the vacation rental zoning laws in West Virginia that pertain to your locale. These are often outlined by city or county ordinances and could include specific rules and regulations regarding the use of your property as a rental. Additionally, your responsibilities might grow if your property is within the jurisdiction of an HOA or under the governance of other community associations.

Ensuring compliance with local directives, such as obtaining the necessary permits, abiding by registration requirements, and keeping up to date with zoning laws, is integral to operating your vacation rental without a hitch. The pivot to short-term rentals can be richly rewarding, but it's the meticulous adherence to West Virginia short term rental laws that lays the groundwork for a successful and lawful enterprise.

Understanding and Fulfilling Tax Responsibilities for Short-Term Rentals

As the short-term rental industry flourishes in West Virginia, hosts are facing an expanded role that not only involves hospitality but also a significant focus on taxation adherence. Unlike traditional property leases, short term rental permits in West Virginia come hand-in-hand with specific tax remittance duties. Hosts are often caught at the crossroads of income tax and lodging tax, each bearing its own set of rules and repercussions for noncompliance. Recognizing the distinction between the two taxes is the cornerstone for any host aiming to meet West Virginia vacation rental regulations.

Lodging Tax vs. Income Tax: What West Virginia Hosts Need to Know

For many first-time hosts, the process of registering and adhering to tax laws can be daunting. The distinction between income tax and lodging tax is a primary area that requires clarification. Income tax, as many are familiar with, is paid annually and is based on the amount of 'taxable' income received after deducting allowable expenses. On the flip side, lodging tax, which is dictated by West Virginia rental property regulations, is dynamic in nature; it's a percentage of the booking cost, added to the guest’s invoice, and collected by the host to be subsequently passed on to the tax authorities.

Procedures for Proper Tax Collection and Remittance

Once a host is well-versed with the types of taxes that affect their rental operation, the next crucial step is mastering the collection and remittance process. In West Virginia, hosts must not only register their short-term rental with state tax officials but also understand the importance of lodging taxes. They must determine the precise tax rate applicable to their rental’s location and ensure they charge this on top of the booking fees. In cases of direct bookings, outside of platforms like Airbnb or Vrbo, hosts are solely responsible for these tax collections. After collection, hosts must exhibit due diligence in filing regular tax returns, not overlooking the instances when a 'zero dollar return' is necessary due to no occupancy in a filing period. It is this level of meticulous tax management that will solidify their compliance with West Virginia Airbnb registration and overall state tax obligations.

Tax considerations for hosting in West Virginia extend beyond the primary transaction with guests. Hosts must acquaint themselves with possible exemptions where taxes are not required to be collected, such as long-term stays over 30 days or bookings by certain governmental and educational entities. This knowledge safeguards them from overcharging guests or underpaying the tax authorities—both scenarios that can lead to complications with West Virginia vacation rental regulations.

Tax compliance for short-term rentals is an indispensable part of the hosting experience in West Virginia, requiring a blend of savvy finance management and detailed attention to ever-evolving tax laws.

Navigating Zoning Laws and Rental Restrictions in West Virginia

For property owners aspiring to join the Airbnb host community or to list their homes on similar vacation rental platforms, understanding and conforming to Airbnb regulations in West Virginia is a pivotal step. The vacation rental zoning laws in West Virginia can be as diverse as the state's landscapes, changing from one locality to another. While the allure of supplementing income through short-term rentals is attractive, the groundwork lies in comprehending the specific requirements imposed by the municipal zones one plans to operate in.

  • Municipalities like Bolivar, Harpers Ferry, Charles Town, Ranson, and Shepherdstown are examples where unique zoning laws may significantly affect the operation of short-term rentals.
  • Beyond the city-imposed regulations, potential hosts must also sift through any Homeowners Association (HOA) covenants or property deed restrictions that could impede their plans.
  • Staying apprised of updates and changes, such as those underway in Jefferson County's zoning regulations, is critical—these could either broaden the opportunities for short-term rentals or introduce new constraints that hosts must navigate around.

With short-term rentals rapidly reshaping the hospitality landscape of West Virginia, a proactive stance on zoning law compliance not only ensures legal operations but also fosters community harmony and maintains the charm that draws vacationers to the Mountain State.

Ignoring these crucial steps in zoning and regulatory compliance can lead to unwelcome circumstances, such as fines or cessation of operation. As such, vigilance and continuous learning about the ever-evolving Airbnb regulations in West Virginia remain the keystones of a successful vacation rental business in this beautiful state.

Registration and Permits: Starting Your Short-term Rental Legally

Embarking on the journey of hosting a short-term rental in the diverse landscapes of West Virginia necessitates a critical first step: completing the West Virginia Airbnb registration process. This process requires obtaining a business registration certificate, which is more than just a formality; it's a declaration of your business's legitimacy and your commitment to adhere to state regulations. Hosts considering the Airbnb or Vrbo platforms for short-term rentals need to be acutely aware of their role in tax collection, even as these platforms take charge of some of the responsibilities on their behalf.

When it comes to short term rental permits in West Virginia, the details matter. It's not enough to just sign up online and list your property; you must delve into the responsibilities that come with being a host, particularly regarding the administration of state and local sales taxes. Although Airbnb and Vrbo have taken on the role of collecting state sales taxes, any income you earn through direct bookings - those not made through an established platform - still requires you to handle tax collection and remittance. This can add complexity to your financial reporting and necessitates a thorough understanding of local requirements.

As you navigate the complexities of the short-term rental market, it's advisable to consider consulting an accountant. An expert can provide invaluable insights into how your operating expenses, improvement costs, and the nuances of depreciation can influence your personal tax returns. Such professional guidance ensures that you manage your taxes accurately and strategically, safeguarding you from future tax liabilities associated with your new entrepreneurial endeavor.

Another important angle to consider is the altered insurance landscape when opening up your home to short-term guests. The protection offered by platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo may not cover all scenarios, especially when you book guests directly. A conversation with your insurance agent is crucial to ensure you have an adequate coverage plan that reflects the new risks and realities of hosting guests in your property.

"Start on the right foot with short term rental permits in West Virginia by understanding the comprehensive legal and tax implications of your hosting venture. Doing so sets you up for success and positions you as a responsible member of the West Virginia short-term rental community."

  • Secure a business registration certificate from the West Virginia State Tax Department to kickstart your hosting business legally.
  • Acknowledge the differentiated roles in tax collection when engaging with platforms like Airbnb or Vrbo versus direct bookings.
  • Understand the impact of rental income on your taxes and consult with an accountant for thorough financial planning.
  • Discuss your venture with an insurance agent to align your coverage with the new potential risks associated with hosting short-term guests.

By taking these first vital legal steps seriously and seeking the appropriate professional advice, you will ensure that your short-term rental experience is both profitable and compliant with the specific demands of West Virginia short term rental laws.

The Role of Airbnb and Vrbo in Tax Collection for West Virginia Hosts

The advent of Airbnb and Vrbo has not only revolutionized the way travelers seek accommodations, but it has also introduced a new layer of complexity for hosts around tax collection. In West Virginia, the intertwining of vacation rental regulations with these platforms has streamlined parts of the tax process for hosts. Yet, this convenience doesn't completely absolve hosts from their tax-related duties, particularly when it comes to direct bookings. Let's take a closer look at how these platforms assist with tax collections and the steps hosts need to take to ensure full tax compliance.

When Short-Term Rental Platforms Take Charge of Lodging Taxes

Platforms such as Airbnb and Vrbo have taken the lead in alleviating the tax compliance burden for hosts. By automating the collection and remittance of State Sales Tax, Municipal Sales and Use Tax, and Local Hotel Occupancy Tax, these platforms ensure that guests contribute the appropriate taxes during their stay. This process simplifies the overall management of lodging taxes for hosts, aligning with the Airbnb regulations in West Virginia.

However, while this service is helpful, hosts should remain vigilant and confirm that all tax collections by these platforms are accurate and complete. Hosts must familiarize themselves with the specifics of the West Virginia Airbnb registration and ensure all taxes due are being collected, thereby maintaining compliance with West Virginia rental property regulations.

How Hosts Should Handle Direct Bookings and Associated Taxes

Hosts who opt for direct bookings, bypassing the platforms, face a different set of tax collection responsibilities. When a guest books a stay directly, the host becomes solely responsible for calculating, collecting, and remitting the lodging taxes. This requires a sound understanding of both state and local tax laws, an accurate tracking of taxable amounts, and staying updated with any changes in tax legislation.

Direct booking hosts must be thoroughly acquainted with West Virginia vacation rental regulations, ensuring they correctly identify and advertise all necessary taxes within their listing prices. They are also expected to handle the subsequent tax remittances to the state and local tax authorities. Often, seeking advice from tax professionals or accountants can provide a smoother path through the complexities of tax management and compliance.

The convergence of platform convenience with individual responsibility underscores the multifaceted role of tax collection in the short-term rental industry. Whether relying on Airbnb and Vrbo's automated systems or managing tax collection independently, hosts in West Virginia must navigate the waters of tax compliance with careful attention to maintain the legality and profitability of their rental ventures.

Ensuring Compliance with Local Occupancy Tax Regulations

In the captivating realm of West Virginia’s short-term rental market, hosts are tasked with more than creating a welcoming environment for their guests; they must also navigate the intricate web of local occupancy tax regulations. These regulations form an essential aspect of short term rental restrictions in West Virginia, with tax rates varying across different cities and counties. It is the host's duty to collect and remit local hotel occupancy taxes—which are applied to short-term reservations of up to 29 nights and can fluctuate between 0-6% of the reservation cost, including any added fees.

Airbnb has stepped in to assist with this process in certain jurisdictions by collecting these taxes on behalf of hosts. However, the responsibility remains on each host to ensure that all aspects of West Virginia short term rental laws are being followed. Staying abreast of these duties is critical, as local tax rules are not uniform throughout the state and may impact both reporting requirements and tax rates.

While Airbnb may facilitate the tax process in some regions, hosts must conduct due diligence to guarantee full compliance with all tax obligations that extend beyond state oversight, ensuring harmonious operation within their local economies.

  • Identify whether your city or county levies local hotel occupancy taxes beyond the state sales tax.
  • Keep up-to-date with the current tax rates in your specific locality to accurately calculate the taxes to be collected from guests.
  • Review and comprehend the agreement with short-term rental platforms like Airbnb regarding their tax collection procedures.

Understanding local regulations is a key factor in running a compliant short-term rental business. In addition to state rules, local occupancy tax regulations significantly impact the way hosts operate their rentals. Hosts are encouraged to consult with tax professionals or utilize local authorities' resources to ensure they understand and fulfill all necessary tax requirements.

To seamlessly integrate compliance into their business model, hosts should take proactive measures in their operations. By doing so, they mitigate the risk of penalties associated with non-compliance and maintain the integrity of their venture within the community.

The dynamic and picturesque landscapes of West Virginia await those who are diligent in their adherence to short term rental laws. By mastering the art of local tax regulation compliance, hosts set themselves up for sustainable success in the blossoming short-term rental scene.

Implications of Hosting on Insurance and Health Department Approvals

When you step into the world of hosting a short-term rental in West Virginia, you're not just opening your doors to guests—you're also ushering in new considerations for compliance and protection, particularly in relation to insurance and health department approvals. This emerging sector, stamped with the familiar hallmarks of Airbnb and Vrbo, brings with it a suite of responsibilities trademark to Airbnb & Short Term Rental Laws and Regulations In West Virginia.

One of the fundamental shifts occurs in your insurance needs. The moment you list your abode for short-term leasing, the insurance coverage required transcends the usual homeowner policy. It becomes imperative to have a sit-down with insurance agents, wielding a discussion that ensures that not only your property is adequately covered but also that you are shielded from potential liability issues.

Engaging with insurance professionals is a proactive measure that aligns with West Virginia vacation rental laws, safeguarding your interests as you embark on the hospitality journey.

Highlighting the point even further is the fact that if the short-term rental in question is not your primary residence, the path to legal hosting might detour through the West Virginia Health Department. Obtaining their approval attests that your facility meets the required health and safety standards, an endorsement that's often synonymous with procuring a commercial insurance policy.

The security nets provided by platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo, although beneficial, cover a limited scope, particularly when it's about "direct-book guests"—those who might bypass these virtual gateways and book directly with you. In these scenarios, the host's comprehensive insurance becomes the fort that stands between them and potential fiscal casualties.

  • Consult with insurance agents to adjust your policy to cover short-term rental activities.
  • Inquire about additional coverage for liability and property damage not covered by Airbnb or Vrbo.
  • Check if your rental needs to be approved as a lodging facility by the Health Department, particularly if it's a secondary property.
  • Consider the need for a commercial insurance policy to cover gaps left by personal homeowner insurance and platform-provided protections.

Grasping the full spectrum of what it means to be a short-term host in West Virginia goes far beyond creating a hospitable space—it's about crafting a bulwark that adheres to West Virginia vacation rental laws and insulates you from the idiosyncrasies of the industry.

Airbnb & Short Term Rental Laws and Regulations In West Virginia

As the popularity of short-term rentals grows in West Virginia, hosts must stay informed about the various tax compliance for West Virginia rentals and recognize when special circumstances come into play. Particularly nuanced is the area of exemptions that can affect tax collection. Understanding these exemptions, as well as the regular filing of tax returns, is essential for maintaining compliance with state laws and avoiding the possible penalties associated with late or incorrect filings.

Exemptions and Special Cases for Tax Collection in West Virginia

In the realm of West Virginia's short-term rentals, certain situations permit exemption from occupancy taxes, which are pivotal to note for diligent West Virginia Airbnb registration and hosting. Long-term guests, those staying for more than 30 days, are not subjected to the short-term lodging taxes that typically apply. Moreover, rentals to specific entities such as the United States government, state, and local governments in West Virginia, certain nonprofit organizations, and educational institutions may also be exempt. Hosts should be meticulous in applying these provisions and may require guests to present valid certificates of exemption when applicable.

As the exemptions aren't universally applied and can differ under local tax authority rules, acknowledging and understanding the full scope of these exemptions is a significant aspect of Airbnb regulations in West Virginia. By ensuring precise application of tax exemptions, hosts are positioned to avoid any missteps in tax compliance, thereby aligning with West Virginia vacation rental regulations.

Filing Tax Returns and Avoiding Penalties for West Virginia Rentals

Completing the circle of tax compliance for any short-term rental host in West Virginia is the punctual and accurate filing of tax returns. With the West Virginia State Tax Department expecting hosts to follow an assigned filing frequency and meet specific due dates, meticulous record-keeping and timely submissions are crucial components of staying within the legal framework.

The obligation to file extends beyond periods of active rental income; even in the absence of guest stays, hosts are required to submit 'zero dollar returns.' Failure to do so can lead to penalties, which might include late fees and accrued interest, potentially escalating to legal actions in severe cases of non-compliance. The surest way to avert such complications is observance of deadlines and attentiveness to detail in every facet of tax handling for West Virginia rentals, embodying responsible hosting and adherence to tax compliance for West Virginia rentals.


In summary, the landscape of short-term rentals in West Virginia presents a multifaceted picture for hosts. Adherence to the Airbnb & Short Term Rental Laws and Regulations In West Virginia is not merely an option; it is a prerequisite for legally and successfully managing a vacation rental property. Hosts are required to remain vigilant and proactive in understanding the tax requirements, zoning ordinances, and licensing procedures that govern the industry. This proactive stance extends to the collection and remittance of taxes, regardless of whether the booking comes through platforms like Airbnb or Vrbo, or through direct interaction with guests.

Furthermore, the obligations of a host under West Virginia vacation rental laws extend to adapting insurance policies to account for the nuances of short-term leasing and to obtaining necessary approvals from health departments if the property falls outside primary residence use. Such meticulous attention to detail serves to protect hosts from potential liabilities and ensures a transparent and trustworthy hosting experience for guests.

It is essential for anyone operating or considering operating a short-term rental in West Virginia to stay informed about the latest regulatory developments and best practices. Engaging with tax professionals, legal experts, and insurance agents will provide a sturdy foundation for navigating the complexities inherent in the short-term rental market. By maintaining comprehensive records and consulting with professionals, hosts can safeguard their interests and position their rentals for enduring success within West Virginia’s thriving travel economy.


What defines a short-term rental in West Virginia?

In West Virginia, a short-term rental is defined as a lodging reservation of less than 30 days, typically facilitated through vacation rental platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo or direct bookings by the property owner.

How do I register my short-term rental in West Virginia?

To register, you must apply for a business registration certificate with the West Virginia State Tax Department. Some local jurisdictions may also require registration with local tax authorities, along with permits and licenses specific to each locality.

Are there specific local regulations for short-term rentals in West Virginia?

Yes, in addition to statewide requirements, local regulations may include zoning restrictions, advertising rules, neighborhood notifications, as well as mandates from HOAs or condo associations if applicable.

What is the difference between lodging tax and income tax for short-term rentals in West Virginia?

Lodging tax, collected as a percentage of the guest's bill, is a tax on the rental transaction itself and is remitted to the tax authorities, whereas income tax is paid on the annual taxable income, including earnings from short-term rentals, after relevant deductions.

How do I correctly collect and remit lodging taxes for my vacation rental in West Virginia?

You must understand the applicable taxes for your rental's location, register with the tax authorities, correctly add the taxes to the guest's bill, and file tax returns at the required frequency, including zero dollar returns when applicable.

What zoning laws and rental restrictions should I be aware of in West Virginia?

Zoning laws and rental restrictions can vary by locality. You need to be familiar with municipal restrictions, such as those in different cities or towns, and possible HOA covenants or deed restrictions. Always ensure you are compliant with current and upcoming regulations in your area.

What permits might I need to start a short-term rental legally in West Virginia?

Besides the state business registration certificate, you may need to obtain local permits or licenses, depending on the specific requirements of the municipality where your rental property is located.

How do Airbnb and Vrbo help with tax collection for hosts in West Virginia?

These platforms are mandated by law to collect and remit certain taxes, like State Sales Tax, Municipal Sales and Use Tax, and Local Hotel Occupancy Tax, on behalf of the hosts, which can help simplify the tax compliance process.

What should I do about taxes for direct bookings that are not on Airbnb or Vrbo?

For direct bookings, you are responsible for calculating, collecting, and remitting the appropriate taxes to the tax authorities. You should be aware of all the tax obligations and may benefit from professional tax assistance to navigate these responsibilities.

What are the local occupancy tax regulations in West Virginia?

Local occupancy taxes, also known as hotel/motel taxes, are collected on short-term stays of up to 29 nights. The rates can vary by city and county, and some jurisdictions may have their own regulations on how these taxes should be collected and remitted.

As a host, what implications should I consider regarding insurance and Health Department approvals?

You will need to adjust your property insurance to account for short-term rental use. If your property is not a primary residence, you may also need to meet Health Department standards for lodging facilities and acquire commercial insurance.

Are there exemptions to tax collection for short-term rentals in West Virginia?

Yes, exemptions may apply to guests staying longer than 30 days or to certain entities like government bodies, nonprofit organizations, and schools. Hosts should understand and apply these exemptions where eligible, often requiring official exemption certificates from guests.

What are the guidelines for filing tax returns for my short-term rental in West Virginia?

You must file tax returns with the West Virginia State Tax Department following the appropriate frequency and due dates. Even if no rental income was generated, you have to submit a zero dollar return, and failure to file on time can result in penalties and interest charges.

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