Landlord Tips & Tricks
February 21, 2024

Should Landlords Hire a Professional Accountant?

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As a landlord, you have a lot of financial and fiscal responsibilities to take care of. A great example of this is property taxes. These are fees you have to pay to the IRS to fulfill your obligations as an earning US citizen. The amount you pay will depend on the government’s appraisal of your property.

This system may sound confusing for those who are only landlords for passive income or for those who are new to the business. One way to have a better grasp of your fiscal and financial situation is by hiring help. Fortunately, licensed accounting professionals are able to provide advice on the necessary paperwork to file, accurately outline how much you have to pay in taxes, and will provide you with comprehensive financial reports. Because of their financial analysis skills, budget managing capabilities, and understanding of commercial risks, they will become a necessary partner in making your job as a landlord easier. If you are on the fence on whether or not to hire an accountant, here are some of the things they can do for you:

They help you save money

As mentioned earlier, accountants have a keen understanding of your earnings and expenses as a landlord, giving you financial reports that track your money. They help you see the particular ways for you to make fewer expenditures without sacrificing the services you provide to renters. This will aid in creating better financial plans and even lowering the cost of landlord insurance by presenting you with a budget to update and maintain your property. They are also aware of what can be considered a deductible on tax forms, lowering the fees you have to pay to the IRS.

They alleviate some administrative tasks

Many accountants today are trained to be adept in working with accounting software that collect, manage, and process financial data. Manually inputting information can be a tedious task and learning how to use these programs can be confusing for the average landlord without fintech training. This is why hiring someone with the right skills will alleviate administrative tasks related to finance and create more efficiency. Accountants will also know how to use software to track your cash flow via digital invoices, keeping you on top of all your monetary concerns. They can also make communicating with tenants easier as bills can be sent electronically– making sure they never miss rent payment notices.

They ensure your finances are in order

As mentioned above, accountants track your income and expenditures. They will be able to flag down any unfulfilled payments and transactions to ensure that your money is not going to waste. For landlords, this can mean knowing how to create a budget to pay for maintenance work and upkeep or having dedicated staff members you can keep in-house to prevent any delays. This can include technicians, housekeepers, and secretaries. Having an accountant means you can see which business aspects your funds are going to and how to create better investments to increase the quality of your rentals– helping you save and make more in the long run.

They are updated on all rental tax laws

Accountants are constantly updating their knowledge of how property and rental taxes work. These can vary from state to state and since there are many factors to consider, this might confuse you as a landlord with no previous background in accounting. They will know if the IRS makes any amendments or changes to fees, saving you the time and trouble of having to research and understand them. Their knowledge can also prevent you from committing tax-related crimes unknowingly, such as tax evasion or claiming false deductions.
For landlords, having an accountant can save you from a lot of financial headaches and legal troubles. They can certainly help you in getting your tasks and responsibilities done efficiently and effectively, making you a reliable leaser.

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