Landlord Tips & Tricks
January 19, 2024

Buying Rental Property Out of State  

Steadily's blog cover page for information around landlord insurance.

When you decide to venture into real estate investments, you will discover that you have two options to choose from. You can choose to invest in the state you reside in or become adventurous and try buying rental property out of state.  

On your journey to learn how to manage rental property, you will find that housing prices can be steep in some regions and affordable in others. If the state you reside in offers a poor return on investments in your rental property, consider an out-of-state property investment.  

Managing rental properties in another state has many benefits, but like all investments, you are supposed to fulfill certain conditions to succeed.  

Here is everything you should know about how to manage rental property.

Compelling Factors That Make Out-of-State Property Attractive  

Many things can go wrong when investing in a long-distance property investment. Among the primary concerns that worry new investors is how to find tenants and manage the property when living miles away.  

Still, you can decide to own property out of state if;  

  • The property in your area is expensive, and you can’t afford it.  
  • If the aim is to own rental property in an area with higher demand than your region.  
  • Out-of-state rental properties are a form of diversifying risks by trying multiple markets.  
  • When looking for properties in the areas that attract lower expenses and property taxes.  
  • When you find a property that you admire and may one day consider living in but decide to rent it out to a new tenant at present.  

The reasons can be endless.  

What Next After Becoming an Out-of-State Rental Property Owner?  

Purchasing any investment makes you a landlord. It means you have become a property manager by default. The next step is to understand the rental property finances.  

From here, you will need to understand rental property insurance and whether taking one or more cover is necessary.    

Understanding Property Insurance  

Landlord Insurance provides cover for risks that may occur from owning a home, condo, apartment, etc. The idea is to get a financial cushion in case any of your properties get damaged, or potential tenants gets injured while on your premises.  

It also protects the rental income from your property should it become uninhabitable. However, landlord insurance only covers issues arising from the policies you undertake.  

It's advisable to understand all the details about property management business. Screening tenants is one way of providing quality property management.

8 Reasons Why You Need Insurance for Your Rental Property  

  1. Financial Security: Businesses require a financial cushion from losses and damage that prospective tenants may cause. These include vandalism, theft, natural disasters, etc.    
  2. Liability coverage: It covers the damage to assets or injuries of other persons when on your rental premises.    
  3. Damage by tenants: Tenant management is scrupulous work. Some may cause accidental or malicious damage to your property and furnishings. A customized lease may prevent damage from and reduce maintenance issues but getting insurance will provide numerous benefits incuding cost savings.      
  4. Evictions: Rent collection is a common issue with rental business. The eviction process can leave you with a vacant property if the case drags too long in court. Depending on the policy, you can find coverage for lengthy removals and legal expenses.    
  5. Legal Compliance: Some states have laws that may require a landlord to undertake a specific legal responsibility. These may include workers' compensation insurance or public liability insurance. A new tenant needs to sign a rental agreement and pay a security deposit in compliance with local regulations. Getting insurance will protect you from fines or penalties for non-compliance of known or unknown legal requirements.    
  6. Building codes: Rental business may need repairs or upgrades after some time. These upgrades should follow the current local laws and building codes of the region. Purchasing an insurance cover will ensure you get reimbursement for such situations.    
  7. Meeting lender requirements: When seeking a property loan from lenders, among the legal documents required is property insurance. An insured home is a safe financial investment for lenders.  
  8. Property Management: You may get professionals to help you with management responsibilities making it safe and habitable condition. Some insurance companies offer discounts if you work with a property management company. Adding your property management firm to the insurance policy will give you more insurance incentives. We refer to the process as an additional insured.
  9. It means that all actions undertaken by the property management firm on behalf of your out-of-state home ownership are covered under your insurance policy.  

Landlord Insurance. Is It a Legal Requirement?  

Even though you aren't compelled by law, insurance coverage is part of the management responsibilities that ensures your investments are secure.

If you are a DIY landlord, you know that high quality tenants are hard to come by. Protecting yourself from cataclysmic loss on your business should be a primary concern.

Besides protection, an insurance cover offers reprieve from costly repairs. All you need to do is pay a small deductible to trigger the payment of repairs from your insurance company.  

Steadily is a top landlord studio insurance company that provides firsthand digital experience for landlords in all 50 states. The convenience is getting policies fast using online platforms, SMS, email, or phone means you can handle emergencies differently.    

When Should I Get Out of State Home Insurance?  

Short-term rental management Insurance  

It occurs when you rent your out-of-state premises occasionally. An example is when you rent your home periodically during the year (vacations or weekends). In such instances, consider a homeowners insurance policy.  

Steadily provides landlords with homeowners insurance policies that cover short-term tenants, cutting the cost of taking an insurance rider. You will find professionalism tailored to your specific need when you make a quote or claim request.  

If you rent out your home to tenants frequently and don't want to take homeowners insurance, consider taking home-sharing insurance coverage to protect yourself from late fees.    

Long-term rental property insurance  

Tenant screening is essential when managing tenants or a rental property. But it isn't full proof. Taking insurance guarantees financial security and peace of mind when dealing with catastrophic events that may otherwise cause steep financial losses.  

Types of Insurance Covers for Your Rental Properties

The kind of insurance policy you take for your rental properties requires a critical thought process. Taking any insurance cover may fail to protect your real estate venture should anything go wrong. All property owners should consult widely before settling for one policy over another.    

Building Insurance  

It refers to the policy that covers the structures of your rental properties. These include your premises' floors, roofs, walls, or any other permanent fixtures that may require regular maintenance. The policy protects you from damage caused by fires, natural disasters, vandalism, theft, etc. Building insurance may also cover liability for people who sustain physical injuries on your property.  

Contents Insurance  

It covers all personal property within the rental premises. It may include assets like furniture, appliances, or any other belongings you own as a landlord. Regular maintenance requests provides cover from losses from fire, vandalism, theft, or natural disasters.  

Check with your insurance company if the policy also includes liability coverage.  

Landlord Insurance  

Steadily recommends this policy for landlords, including contents and building insurance. Other perks of the cover include getting additional coverage like malicious damage of property by tenants, loss of rent, and legal tussles with tenants caused by lengthy evictions.  

A landlord insurance policy sometimes covers repair or rebuilding costs if tenants or their guests cause damage to the rental property.  

Public Liability Insurance

Public liability insurance covers all claims from third parties. These are people besides your tenants who may have suffered personal injuries or damage to their possessions within the borders of your rental property.  

For instance, your tenants' guests or workers may get injured on your property, making you liable for the injuries they sustain. Public liability cover will offset the medical expenses that would have otherwise come from your savings or income. It also covers the legal fees and compensation.  

Rent Defaulters Insurance  

Rental properties are not always guaranteed investments, as many novice property owners may assume. Sometimes, you get nothing because the tenant defaults on rent payments for one reason or another.  

Such a policy protects your investment by covering the lost rent, lengthy evictions, or legal fees from court disputes.  

Many other additional coverage options exist, depending on the landlord insurance company you choose. Be careful when choosing a policy and seek assistance if you need help understanding the terms and conditions of the policy.    

Steadily highlights all the limitations and exclusions of policies so that you can grasp what is protected and the compensation you will receive in case of any loss or damage to your rental property.    

How to Manage Rental Property. What Isn't Covered?  

Personal property of the tenant  

Rental property insurance doesn't protect the property of your tenants even though they pay you monthly rent. If they incur damage or loss of their personal property, the landlord isn't mandated to compensate them. Instead, you can advise your tenants to seek renters insurance from steadily.  

Equipment failure when managing rental properties  

When tenants live in your rental property, something will eventually degrade or fail. Property maintenance can be cumbersome. For instance, if a water heater or HVAC breaks down in one of your rental properties, you will pay for the repairs or replacement from your income.  

Shared property  

Some property managers may decide to share their homes with others for a fee. Subletting is a way to manage a rental property and it may include a bedroom or floor you aren't using. Collecting rent from a shared property is common practice. However, rental property insurance covers only the homes the landlord doesn't occupy.    

Earthquake or Flood damages  

These are considered natural disasters, and rental property insurance only covers such losses or damage to property if you take on an additional or separate insurance policy.    

Picking the Best Rental Property Insurance  

To excel in property management, you may need to hire the best property management companies. And they must be modern so as to apply property management software that lets compare competitive insurance companies.  

Know your coverage options

A good property manager finds the best policy to covers a range of risks that may occur. Common rental property damages and losses come from vandalism, malicious damage from tenants, theft, fire, and natural disasters.  

Cost valuations

Know how your insurer plans to cover rebuilding or compensations through cost valuations. Insurance costs might affect lease agreement. These calculations vary from one insurer to another and might affect the security deposits.    

Consider policies with higher liability limits

Fair housing laws determine the liability coverage. It protects you from lawsuits that might drag on for years, leading to hefty legal fees and compensations. Liability coverage with a higher limit ensures that you are covered adequately. However, it means that you will have to pay higher insurance premiums.    

Know the exclusions  

Some rental property insurance doesn't cover all damage and losses. Events like earthquakes, mudslides, and flooding may be excluded. Find out if you need such coverage and take separate policies to safeguard your real estate investment.    

What are the costs of the policy?  

Compare the costs of rental property insurance from different rental listing and insurance firm. Choose the one that is both affordable and offers adequate coverage.    

Insurer's Reputation  

An insurance provider with a solid reputation is highly recommended. Seek opinions from property investors within your locale and read reviews to determine top insures'.  

Additional benefits  

Insurance providers offer their clientele different benefits and insurance discounts so that they may take up policies with them. For instance, complimentary property inspections, discounts on multiple policies, and a swift response to emergencies are compelling reasons to choose one insurance provider over another.  

Why You Should Choose Steadily as Your Rental Property Insurer  

Steadily helps landlords find coverage for local and national clientele. You can have more than one rental property in different states and get the best experience choosing Steadily as it varies its coverage based on the property regulations of other states.

The responsibility of owning an investment property is immense, and some can find it overwhelming. To get the best tenant turnover you will need all the help you can get which may include using property management software.

One factor you can't overlook is how to safeguard your financial interests in a market that is known to be volatile. Choosing Steadily will guarantee the safety of your assets and properties.  

Contact us to get a quote for insurance coverage in your region and keep earning from your properties.


How do you manage a lot of rental properties?

To efficiently manage multiple rental properties, consider utilizing property management software for streamlined operations and, if needed, delegate tasks or hire a professional property manager to ensure smooth day-to-day management.

What is a good rate of return on rental properties?

A good rate of return on rental properties can vary by location and investment strategy, but a common benchmark is aiming for a cap rate of 8% or higher, factoring in both rental income and property appreciation, to ensure a profitable real estate investment.

How can I make my rental property stand out?

To make your rental property stand out, focus on curb appeal, modern amenities, and competitive pricing, and consider offering incentives such as flexible lease terms or pet-friendly policies to attract and retain desirable tenants.

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